One of the cliffhangers from last season was that Anita was going to leave for Harvard (ata) to study so goodbye lovelife for Charlie. Anyways, Anita decides to stay (yippee!) and so Charlie now has an instant girlfriend.
So the season starts off with a Bonnie-and-Clyde thing going on, with 7th Heaven's Simon looking all grown up and dirty as a high school student on the run with his teacher after the murder of his dad. It's a two-part-er so, expect a long drawn out chase. And Charlie, of course, relates the chase to a dog-cat-mouse chase. Really, there's an algorithm for it.
The third episode explores Nazis, a lost painting and how to spot a forgery using Math. Cool!
The next one is about spies, old army buddies, and Charlie bitching that Fleinhart didn't ask for his help on a paper.
The latest one is about traffic and randomness -- is there such a thing as "too" random? Charlie answers that events can be a "little random" or just random, but not too random... yeah, yeah, figure that one out! :P
I love this series because, in my heart, I'm a Math geek. And hearing partial differentiation on TV gives me goose bumps. Haha.
Looks like this show is not in any danger of being cancelled. Unlike the next three shows I'm going to review in my next post -- I think only one is safe. So stay tuned :)
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